ICBs to commission ‘all vaccination services’ from April 2026

NHS England (NHSE) has greenlit plans for the “vast majority” of vaccination and screening services to be commissioned locally from April next year.

Medical concept Vaccination vaccine vial dose flu shot drug needle syringe,Lab test research science hypodermic injection treatment disease care hospital prevention immunization illness disease baby.
“Community pharmacy has a clear role to play"

Proposals to delegate “all vaccination services” and “most components of screening services” to integrated care boards (ICBs) have been approved by NHSE’s board, it yesterday (February 11) told C+D.

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Kate Bowie

Read more by Kate Bowie

Kate Bowie joined C+D as a digital reporter in August 2023 after graduating from a master’s in journalism at City, University of London. She began covering the primary care beat at the end of 2022, when she carried out several health investigations focused on staffing issues, NHS funding and health inequalities.

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