The RPS today (July 11) announced that its assembly has re-elected Professor Anderson as president for a further two-year term.
In an address to the assembly, she said that she had decided to stand for a second term “to offer much-needed continuity” in a “time of unprecedented change”.
“I am passionate about our profession and committed to making the RPS and our members even more successful”, she said, adding that she “will also continue to be a dedicated ambassador and advocate for the profession nationally and internationally”.
Read more: UPDATED: Erutase Oputu replaces Thorrun Govind as RPS England chair
She told C+D that it has been “an honour” to serve as RPS president.
Professor Anderson was elected as RPS president in July 2021 - replacing Sandra Gidley who served as president for two years - and had previously held the role of RPSE chair from 2019-2021.
Professor Anderson teaches at the University of Nottingham’s school of pharmacy and is “a global leader in pharmacy practice research” who, among other achievements, developed King’s College’s “first community pharmacy diploma”, according to her RPS profile.
Read more: Geraldine McCaffrey elected new RPS Wales board chair
In a statement released today (July 11), unsuccessful candidate Ms Govind congratulated Professor Anderson and said that despite losing the leadership bid, she would “continue to advocate for this profession” and “champion the voices of the next generation”.
“I have always believed in and championed the positive contribution of diverse voices, something I hope has been apparent during my term as chair”, she said.
Ms Govind added that she was looking forward to working with Professor Anderson and other members of the RPS assembly to “ensure the society is working for our members”.
Read more: RPS elects Claire Anderson as its new president
Meanwhile, the RPS also today announced that Alisdair Jones was confirmed by the assembly as its new treasurer, taking over from Sibby Buckle who stood down from the role last month.
A member of the English Pharmacy Board and assembly, Mr Jones was “elected unopposed”, it said.
He is already part of the finance and investment committee where RPS budgets, pensions, assets, financial priorities and performance, reserves and investment policies are scrutinised and agreed, it added.