Ask an accountant: Top tips for managing your cashflow

Times are hard for community pharmacy. But careful planning can help keep contractors in the black, says specialist accountant Atif Butt

Atif Butt: Added funding won’t immediately address many pharmacy teams' cashflow problems

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Why I’ve launched a campaign against the RPS’s planned changes

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‘Vote no’ campaigner Martin Astbury tells C+D why he believes the RPS plans for change represent a shift away from pharmacist leadership and why members should vote against them this week…

CPE is negotiating in a very difficult and nuanced environment that few will have experienced

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I also read comments that CPE does not appreciate this critical position, and I fundamentally refute that. Knowing the colleagues, both elected and employed, at CPE as I do, this is far from the case.

It’s not just funding delays holding pharmacy back, it’s the old dinosaurs too...

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Community pharmacy is risk adverse, considered, and dare I say it, conservative. But, when it comes to the survival of pharmacy, we can’t afford to let the fear of change – or those resistant to it - hold us back.

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