Sundip Gill could have received up to £40,000 in small business grants had he not been caught by City of Wolverhampton council’s counter fraud team.
A US community pharmacy body has welcomed the nomination of Robert F Kennedy Jr as health secretary under Donald Trump’s new administration, despite his controversial comments about vaccines.
The national commissioner plans to “stand up” community pharmacy in a future pandemic situation if vaccination rollout needs to be “augmented”, it has revealed.
NHS England (NHSE) has revealed the autumn adult flu vaccination programme start date, while instructing pharmacies to secure alternatives to one unavailable vaccine.
Confirmation of the unchanging fees comes as NHS England (NHSE) has asked pharmacies to prepare for the autumn flu and COVID-19 vaccination programmes to start in October, or September for pregnant women.
The new private COVID-19 vaccine, manufactured by Novavax and delivered for the first time in the UK by an independent pharmacy, is almost half the price of the Pfizer jab offered by Boots.
The multiple will offer private Pfizer vaccines for “32% more” than independent pharmacies, C+D has learned.
Pfizer-BioNTech’s Comirnaty COVID-19 vaccine will be available for sale to the public from March, Pfizer announced on Friday February 9.
A possible COVID-19 spring booster campaign would see pharmacies paid an additional £2.50 per jab, NHS England (NHSE) has announced.
Community pharmacies are set to pioneer the UK’s first private COVID-19 vaccinations, C+D has learned.