GPs must reinstall GP connect, which allows pharmacies to send routine consultation information to their patients’ GP practices, as part of their £889m-boosted contract, NHS England (NHSE) has revealed.
An Exeter pharmacy was left locked out of its premises by its GP landlord following months of negotiations over “extortionate” rental costs, C+D has learned.
Asda will “endeavour to retain as many pharmacists as possible” while it implements a “new model” – but is no longer offering £1,000 one-time payments to sweeten the deal, C+D has learned.
The pharmacy body will deliver its 300,000-signature-strong petition to the Prime Minister and health Secretary on of the second “day of action” next month.
The pharmacy regulator is “seeking experienced providers” to fulfill a four-year-long, multi-million-pound registration examination contract.
Cheaper rental costs and the way people collect their prescriptions is leading another pharmacy to quit a health centre for the high street.
The pharmacy body’s #saveourpharmacies petition has garnered over 300,000 ahead of the second “day of action” next month.
The RPS is urging pharmacists working in primary care networks (PCNs) to have a greater focus on the delivery of structured medication reviews (SMRs) amid concerns they are being “missed or de-prioritised”.
Rowlands will take over the running of five hospital pharmacies from Lloydspharmacy in December, it has revealed.
CCA chief executive Malcolm Harrison says his report into the Pharmacy First rollout shows a ‘postcode lottery’ emerging across the country, and that there is capacity for hundreds of thousands more consultations if the government accelerates...