Four Morrisons pharmacies across England are set to close their doors for good, the supermarket has announced.
Supermarket giant Morrisons has revealed plans to close four of its pharmacies following a "wide-ranging review".
Tesco has confirmed it will close “a small number” of its in-store pharmacies “later this year”, C+D can exclusively reveal.
While branch numbers at some multiples have remained steady over the last year, C+D analysis has found that others, notably Boots, have taken a hit.
Pharmacists should be used to their “full potential” to make a “bigger” contribution to public health rather than being asked “to rely on the sale of cosmetics”, a member of the House of Lords has argued.
An Exeter pharmacy was left locked out of its premises by its GP landlord following months of negotiations over “extortionate” rental costs, C+D has learned.
The GP body has warned that “any closures” in the pharmacy network will add pressure to GPs “struggling to meet demand”.
NPA analysis has revealed that the £20 million Pharmacy Access Scheme funded by the pharmacy contract failed to protect dozens of isolated pharmacies from closing since 2022.
Almost 30% of US retail pharmacies closed in the decade between 2010 and 2021, a new study has revealed.
New analysis by the National Pharmacy Association (NPA) has found that the UK is “one of the worst countries in the OECD” for pharmacy provision.