James Halliwell

James Halliwell

Editor-in-Chief, C+D

London, UK

James Halliwell joined C+D as editor-in-chief in February 2024. A business journalist for the last 15 years, he’s looking forward to developing the bond between C+D and its readers and bringing them more of what they want to read, in the evolving ways they want to read it.

Latest from James Halliwell

Salary Survey – Are you satisfied with your salary?

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C+D’s annual Salary Survey covers many angles, but of course your salary is one of them. Are you getting the satisfaction you need?

Salary Survey: How do you feel about the future?

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It was heartening to see the replies to this holistic question posed by C+D’s Salary Survey were not completely dominated by the fear of what’s to come - but teetering on the positive...

Big Interview: Sadik Al-Hassan on the fractured nature of pharmacy politics (and a funding prediction)

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Sadik Al-Hassan, the pharmacy lifer turned Labour MP, is sat in Westminster to talk funding, why Janet Morrison is doing an 'amazing job', online regs, and what pharmacy really wants from the future...

Salary Survey: What does community pharmacy think about Hub and Spoke?

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If you wanted to describe the potential effect of Hub & Spoke as transformational, you’d be right. What the ultimate effect of that transformation might be remains up for debate.

Salary Survey: Do you have faith in the government?

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After 14 years of Conservative rule, Labour stormed to an election victory in July. Does community pharmacy think the new regime understands pharmacy better than the last one?

CPE mulling over ‘initial’ funding offer - as it bumps up LPC levy 2%

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The negotiator said it had spent a “significant amount of time analysing and discussing the initial offer put to us” during a meeting spread across two days in February.