'I measured 3 hills near my pharmacy to get extra funding'

Two contractors describe the lengths they went to trying to secure protection from the funding cuts


The Pharmacy Access Scheme (PhAS) was introduced in December 2016 to protect pharmacies in England situated one mile or more from another pharmacy by road from the “full effect” of the funding cuts – as long as they are not in the top 25% best-performing businesses according to dispensing volume.

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Why I’ve launched a campaign against the RPS’s planned changes

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‘Vote no’ campaigner Martin Astbury tells C+D why he believes the RPS plans for change represent a shift away from pharmacist leadership and why members should vote against them this week…

CPE is negotiating in a very difficult and nuanced environment that few will have experienced

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I also read comments that CPE does not appreciate this critical position, and I fundamentally refute that. Knowing the colleagues, both elected and employed, at CPE as I do, this is far from the case.

It’s not just funding delays holding pharmacy back, it’s the old dinosaurs too...

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Community pharmacy is risk adverse, considered, and dare I say it, conservative. But, when it comes to the survival of pharmacy, we can’t afford to let the fear of change – or those resistant to it - hold us back.

More from Funding

‘Collective voice’: IPA and NPA pen joint letter over economic review

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The two pharmacy bodies have urged NHS England (NHSE) to “release immediately” its “long-awaited” economic analysis of community pharmacy, stressing that their “collective voice must be heard”.

GPs ordered to switch on GP Connect by new contract

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GPs must reinstall GP connect, which allows pharmacies to send routine consultation information to their patients’ GP practices, as part of their £889m-boosted contract, NHS England (NHSE) has revealed.